Sanjiv Mulloo | Founder of Le Hub

We have met Sanjiv Mulloo, a seasoned entrepreneur and founder of “Le HUB, a One Industry, One Voice, fully integrated digital platform for the port ecosystem. This platform is designed for onshore and offshore stakeholders to assist them promote and carry out their daily business whilst creating value for their customers, companies and country through seamless trading .

Sanjiv explains in layman’s terms, the importance of future readiness and elaborates on the upcoming trends in the shared economy and how platform thinking can provide unfettered access to disruptive technologies for the benefit of one and all.

What is Le HUB ?

Le HUB is a leap into the future, designed with the clear intent of boosting trade and information flow between all the players of the port ecosystem. It’s a live “datanomics” show case at work…

Take any entrepreneur whether importer or exporter based in Mauritius or in the region. You might even be a shipping company or major supplier of food, fuel or medication and I’d ask you, “who are the players in Port Louis that you would need to do business with?” . What would be your answer? Well maybe you would need to browse through dozens of websites which are often outdated and static. This would represent a painful and really pedestrian exercise to be able to obtain your business counterpart whether it is a producer or a consumer. It would take you hours to access all relevant information about them let alone converse with them or start a transaction. You would have little clue of their reputation or Industry credentials. You would then have to take a hazy decision as to whom to deal with as a supplier or potential value chain co- creator.

Le HUB represents the direct solution to the above and removes the inherent “pain” by providing the potential client with permission less access and curated information to help him arrive at a concise and quick decision amidst the selected drop down of information overflow. This “ease of obtaining the appropriate value rich data” will automatically translate into “the ease of doing business”.

Together with serious players and stakeholders of the port Industry, we are co-crafting the concept of packing this interactive, dynamic and interoperable platform with business intelligence to boost the velocity and quality of interactions between producers and consumers of the ecosystem.

This will create a huge process flow that will further globalize our port and make it both attractive and competitive. Economies of scale with new promising opportunities due to lower transaction cost shall help scale business velocity within Le HUB. seeks to become THE PLATFORM for the hundreds of public, parastatal and private companies which do business in and out of our port. Just as lungs bring oxygen to all the cells of the body, likewise, Le HUB seeks to bring relevant information to each and every stakeholder of the port and beyond so as to allow them to take real time decisions, to trade and prosper!

What are the benefits of participating in “Le HUB”?

  • If you want your brand, products and services to be seen as being globally ready for business, then Le HUB is the place to be. Market players and forces seemingly interoperate to generate value in a HUB and we know that;
  • Your brand will benefit from instant real time visibility and be ready for business transaction whether its buy or sell;
  • You will access Industry expertise and professional knowledge value anytime;
  • Provide you with an end to end “high ground perspective” of the industry value chains;
  • Offer huge networking and relational capital possibilities;
  • Be a channel for ubiquitous access to all agencies and port players;
  • Represent a very affordable way to be “connected live” to the industry marketplace;
  • Learn and observe what is happening in the Industry on a daily basis;
  • Learn and observe what is happening in the Industry on a daily basis;
  • Pandemic and torrential rain proof as it is a touchless business channel.

Our team shall, post pandemic restrictions evangelize this platform thinking concept to potential participants and stakeholders of the ecosystem. I have no doubt the business case will gain traction as participants get to understand the benefits that are derived from transforming from a pipeline into a platform business model. In a nutshell, participants will benefit from more business volumes and greater visibility whilst digitally transforming their work flow in the process.

What are the innovative ideas that Le HUB offers?

Strangely so, containerisation, though being a non-digital technology has changed the way trade works. In fact, since the mid 1950’s, the container has been the single innovation that has fundamentally globalized and standardized the movement of goods around the world. The great Impact has been more efficiency. Ports started operating more efficiently, there has been reduced turnaround time for ships and new types of ships and logistics systems got utilised much better.

However, today’s nascent industrial revolution focuses mainly on automation, interconnectivity, machine learning, process control and real time data and this has radically transformed the way cargo handling and transshipment works. This new paradigm coined as Industry 4.0 can be highly optimized by digital platforms and lay the foundation towards a smart port infrastructure. The possibilities are mind boggling, with the digitalisation of ship chandling, bunkering, cruise, ship registration, sea food operations, predictive maintenance of vessels amongst others. The applications bear immense influence on the transformation and efficiency of global supply chains. Digital platforms have become the new standard, around which we will find the seamless coordination of multiple participants in real time.

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